Even the UK has had a few sunny moments and we're out drinking exotic cocktails wearing our voodoo Damballah ring

image courtesy of Anneilka.com
we’re out sunbathing rocking our Pineapple Agate Ring

Image courtesy of Annielka.com
We’ve taken a look at half the year’s beautiful birthstones so far on the blog but there are so many gorgeous gems to appreciate! Whatever your favourite, be inspired and take the plunge to buy a new piece with a splash of colour – even if it’s not listed, get in touch and we’ll make something specially for you.
On behalf of everyone we’ll be doing a sun dance for hopes of long evenings and making memories in the sunshine. But for now, when you want a taste of summer (and to show off your new rocks) what could be better than a bright summer cocktail in your hand?
Turquoise Margherita
January’s birthstone shines bright blue and this cocktail is no different! This tequila based cocktail will help whisk you to gorgeous turquoise seas. Just try not to drink too many at once.

Jasper Emerald
With gin, apple juice and mint leaves, there can’t be a more British summer tipple (except Pimm’s of course!) This delicious recipe by House & Gardens describes itself as ‘the equivalent of freshly cut grass’.

Ruby Cooler
A long drink perfect for sipping with your in-laws or at a lazy Sunday BBQ… Rubies are the birthstone of July and so if you aren’t blessed with a summer birthday feel free to indulge in this easy to make recipe instead!
· 1 part gin / e.g. 20ml
· 3 parts cranberry juice / 60ml
· 1 part ginger beer / 20ml
· Lime wedge and fruit to serve
1. Chill a glass and add several ice cubes.
2. Pour over the gin and cranberry juice with a quick stir of a long metal spoon.
3. Add the full part ginger beer or less if desired.
4. Run the rim with a wedge of lime and add fruit to taste.

Coral Reef
This isn’t a classic cocktail so there are tons of variations but our favourite is based on white rum and transports you to a Caribbean beach with white sand and of course, coral reef underfoot…

Pearl Diver
June’s Birthstone is pretty, delicate and beautiful. The cocktail is bright, brash and full of flavour!
Don’t forget to treat yourself to a pearl piece before hitting the beach this summer – our favourites are the Double Sided Shell Necklace (pictured below) and the Cathy Heart Pearl Ring.

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